Comparative Risk Reduction of Diabetic-Coma in Allopathic and Combination Systems of Therapy – A Cross Sectional Study


  • Mahmood Sheikh University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Sheikh Abdul Khaliq Hamdard University, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Iqbal Azhar University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Shahlla Imam Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan


Diabetes-mellitus, diabetic-coma, relative-risk-reduction, number-needed-to-treat, combination-treatment


Objectives: Diabetes-mellitus (DM) may have uncontrolled hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia; which may lead to diabetic-coma. Diabetic-coma is a life-threatening condition. Limited availability of direct comparisons of allopathic and combination system of treatment for risk reduction of diabetic-coma is the main reason to conduct current cross-sectional survey.

Methodology: Cross-sectional observational study was conducted at outpatient care-centers. 149 confirmed cases of Type-II Diabetes (T2D) were enrolled in the study after taken written informed consents. Precision analytical technique was used for determination of study sample size. From July-2018 to June-2019; allopathic and combination systems of medicine were used for the treatment of patients. Outcome of diabetic-coma was main end-point of study determined by techniques defined by Evidence Based Medicine (EBM).

Results: Incidences of diabetic-coma and therapy with-insulin; combination-treatment (15.38%), allopathic-treatment (18.64%); combination V/s allopathic treatments RRR (Relative-Risk-Reduction):17.48%; NNT (Number-Needed-to-Treat)≈31. Without-insulin; combination-treatment (4.76%), allopathic-treatment (5.55%); combination V/s allopathic treatments RRR:14.23%; NNT≈94. With-exercise; combination-treatment (10%), allopathic-treatment (0.00%); combination V/s allopathic treatments RRR: -10%; NNT≈-10. Without-exercise; combination-treatment (6.66%), allopathic-treatment (16.45%); combination V/s allopathic treatments RRR:59.51%; NNT≈10. With low-caloric-diet; combination-treatment (8.00%), allopathic-treatment (15.55%); combination V/s allopathic treatments RRR:48.55%; NNT≈13. Without low-caloric-diet; combination-treatment (6.66%), allopathic-treatment (12.0%); combination V/s allopathic treatments RRR:44.5%; NNT≈19.

Conclusion: Combination therapy incidences of diabetic-coma; allopathic + homoeopathic (7.69%), allopathic + homoeopathic + herbal (18.20%); allopathic + homoeopathic V/s allopathic + homoeopathic + herbal RRR: 57.74%; NNT≈13. Combination system of medicines is superior in reducing the risk of diabetic coma compared to allopathic medicines alone and integration of different system of medicine may have improvement in anti-diabetic treatment.


